Thursday, October 9, 2008

reality's a bitch

The only thing I can say for certain that I believe anymore is in the existence of God. I no longer know His nature or intent, I no longer know Him. This isn't supposed to be great poetry or anything, it's just kind of word vomit.

To sort through the rubbish
to pick out the lies
and the gone-wrongs
is cutting
me loose
of all the wires
that ever tied me
to anything.
Now that I am
I am disconnected
as a floating
In thinking through all
I lost all,
and what caused me to think
was losing all.
It is a lose-lose situation
and now what?

I have nothing,
I am fighting
for survival,
I am convinced that
You laugh,

How is it that
a single existence
so void of anything
can be so painful?

Where the fuck is this love You claim to have for me?

Maybe I failed You
maybe You no longer have eyes
for me.
All I know
is that when You
no longer saw value in me,
I no longer saw anything
in myself,
or outside of myself
to suggest that the world
had any value.

It is tragic
for youth to lose
it is tragic when the world
fails to shine
and promise.
It is heart-breaking
and it is
it is reality
and it is a bitch.

1 comment:

Dustin Van Orman said...

I think the generation we must fight to not become thinks this is reality; but we are the real, to forget is to claim idealism is meaningless; but to me it is more meaning than anything tangible could ever be.